We are pleased to advise that the additional rate increases to written and oral examiners secured for 2024 have been assured for the 2025 examinations.
Payment Rate Summary for Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle Written Examiners
In the case of the Leaving Certificate, with the addition of the 2025 incentive payment, examiners will typically earn between €8,150 and €11,495 depending on the subject and number of scripts marked.
In the case of the Junior Cycle, with the addition of the 2025 incentive payment, examiners will typically earn between €5,124 and €5,287 depending on the subject and number of scripts marked.
In summary examiners will earn:
- Administration fee of €254.08
- Marking conference fee of €254.08 (if applicable)
- The revised arrangements fee of €254.08 in the case of digital marking conference (if applicable)
- Subject specific script fees. The subject specific per script rate which varies depending on the complexity of the examination and time taken to mark each script
- 4.3% from Building Momentum added to the above
- An additional €6 for each script satisfactorily marked at Leaving Certificate
- An additional €3 for each script satisfactorily marked at Junior Cycle
- Higher script rates for additional marked scripts above the subject specific threshold. (if applicable)
- For 2025, the Recruitment and Retention Incentive Payment of €900 for Leaving Certificate examiners and €700 for Junior Cycle examiners is being continued this year on a standalone basis
Further details will be given to you when you are appointed
Payment Rate Summary for Leaving Certificate Applied Written Examiners
In summary examiners will earn:
- Administration fee of €254.08
- Marking conference fee of €254.08 (if applicable)
- The revised arrangements fee of €254.08 in the case of digital marking conference (if applicable)
- Subject specific script fees. The subject specific per script rate which varies depending on the complexity of the examination and time taken to mark each script
- 4.3% from Building Momentum added to the above
- An additional €6 for each script satisfactorily marked at Leaving Certificate Applied
- Higher script rates for additional marked scripts above the subject specific threshold. (if applicable)
- For 2025, the Recruitment and Retention Incentive Payment of €900 for Leaving Certificate Applied examiners
Further details will be given to you when you are appointed
Payment Rate Summary for Leaving Certificate Oral Examiners
The rates of pay for Oral examiners for 2025 are as follows. These rates include an additional €6 per script/test first approved in 2022 and a premium of c. €11 for conducting the tests at Easter.
- Leaving Certificate Irish Foundation Level – €21.31 per candidate (2019 rate €7.00)
- All other Oral examinations – €28.55 per candidate (2019 rate €9.38)
- Revised Arrangement Fee: €254.08 per appointment (2019 rate n/a) Examiners also receive travel
Expenses and subsistence allowances in addition to the above.
Payment Rate Summary for Superintendents
- Superintendent Daily Rate: €137.98
- Superintendent Distribution Rate (Distribution Days): €344.93
Travel and Subsistence
Travel and subsistence is paid in accordance with current Department of Public Expenditure & Reform Public Sector Travel & Subsistence Rates.
Contract Staff Travel and Subsistence Rates 2025
The travel and subsistence rate effective from 29 January 2025 are as follows:
Payment entitlements if the mileage is less than 100km to the Examination centre/School/Conference
Payments of travel expenses and calculation of entitlement to subsistence allowances are calculated by reference to the lesser of the distance between home and the assigned location(s) and headquarters and the assigned location(s). In the case of non-serving teachers all calculations will be made by reference to the home address.
- Daily Subsistence Rate (5-10 hrs & 8 kms from home): €19.25
- Long Day Subsistence Rate (10 hrs or more): €46.17
Payment entitlements if the mileage is more than 100kms to the Examination centre/School/Conference.
Payments of travel expenses and calculation of entitlement to subsistence allowances are calculated by reference to the lesser of the distance between home and the assigned location(s) and headquarters and the assigned location(s). In the case of non-serving teachers all calculations will be made by reference to the home address.
- Mileage Daily: DPER mileage rates apply.
- Daily Subsistence Rate (5-10 hrs & 8 kms from home): €19.25
- Long Day Subsistence Rate (10 hrs or more): €46.17
- Overnight rate (24hrs): €205.53
Vouched Accommodation (VA) Rate Dublin
- Vouched Accommodation Rate will remain the vouched costs of accommodation up to a limit of the standard overnight rate (€205.53) plus €46.17 (2 meal – 10 Hour Rate).
- Accommodation costs while claiming the VA rate must be vouched.